The Fight Against Failurism

What are the writers of your time like?

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Waste Time

Spend time on irrelevant or minor issues is usually a sign of the F disease.
For example, taking photos and posting on stranger's blog...
Trying to perfect a map for a submission package...
Updating blogs...

In fact, the last one of these is probably the most dangerous. I shall shortly be preparing a treatise on the subject.


  • At 9:53 p.m., Blogger Mungo said…

    I hope you are not taking a swipe at me!

  • At 12:03 p.m., Blogger Valpot said…

    Mungo, I never would dare! Talking about meself!

  • At 11:04 p.m., Blogger NB said…

    i love this blog more than i love robots.

    ...and my love for appendaged automatic machines is a strong one.


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