The Fight Against Failurism

What are the writers of your time like?

Thursday, July 06, 2006

The worst & purest strain

In its very worst and deadliest form - indeed, some people hold the only true form - failurism attacks Disresponsible Nodpots. It is tragic to see a brave Nodpot, once an inspiring figure, succumb to failurism. It is too late when it strikes to attempt the usual innoculation of orange ripples and smartie chocolate, which, once the disease has got hold of its victim, tend to aggravate the complaint.
Tomorrow - some of hte precautions you can take to protect yourself against it!


  • At 10:39 a.m., Blogger Inkpot said…

    I must stock up on smartie choc and orange ripples. Can't wait for your next post!

  • At 11:43 a.m., Blogger Mungo said…

    You haven't posted in a while. I wonder, have you fallen prey to the dreaded disease yourself?


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