It's a many-headed beast
Most people have experienced failurism in one form or another during their lives, or seen it affect their family or friends. For some, it's an aversion to a previously enjoyed pleasure. For others, it's an overwhelming fear of completion. Sometimes it breaks out as a rash between your fingers or toes. Again, it can take hallucinary forms (giant invisible rabbits), or haunt your dreams... But in which ever form you suffer (and please let me know if you have a really bizarre outbreak of it - I am currently researching a book on this subject), there are means of living with it and overcoming it. Keep an eye on this blog for all the answers!
At 12:53 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I think a book on Failurism would be an excellent idea! Keep up the good work.
At 12:54 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
This is the funniest blog I've seen in ages! I've added you to my favourites. :)
At 4:43 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
I like of the sound of seeing invisible Rabbits - are they truly invisible if you can see them? i like to sleep at nite - does that mean i suffer from this disease? i like to eat baked beans cold - is that a symthom?
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