The Fight Against Failurism

What are the writers of your time like?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Failurism Spreads

Well, the fight continues.
I am particularly worried about Mungo. You know Mungo? Well, perhaps not. Not yet, anyway, but soon you will. Have a look at Mango's Hero link. Anyway, Mungo was one of the most inspiring Nodpot members you could imagine - his motto Writing is easy! - alone should ensure his posterity. But now he has DOUBTS (my word, not his).
I felt momentarily shattered, but I quickly pulled the pieces back together - after all, the warriors must prepare to fight.
The fight begins.
The fight to save Mungo!


  • At 7:01 p.m., Blogger Inkpot said…

    I can't believe things have got that bad. What can I do to join the war against failurism? (invade a country perhaps?)


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