The Fight Against Failurism

What are the writers of your time like?

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Precautions Against Failurism

As I explained the other day, there are a number of things you can do to ward off failurism.
No. 1: Eat lots of Smartie chocolate and orange ripples (Note: if Failurism has ever gripped you, no matter how cured you feel, eating either of these lovely products is most likely to bring about a re-occurence of the dread disease).
2. Have a large photograph of an inspiring figure. The obvious one is Marvin - he is St George in Failurism terms, or if you like your analogies less exalted, Van Helsing...

To be continued...


  • At 3:10 p.m., Blogger Mungo said…

    Haha! Marvin is Van Helsing! More like Dracula! Ha!Ha!

  • At 9:24 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Jealousy, the Green ey'd monster, does something or other to the paw that feeds it...
    Question: What does jealousy like to eat?


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